College-Level Course Opportunities
Among the range of classes offered are accelerated, multi-disciplinary courses designed for in-depth and college-level opportunities. Selected 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students have the opportunity to engage in college-level coursework through the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP).
目前, upper school students can choose from an extensive selection of Advanced Placement classes. A sampling of AP courses offered includes 2-D & 三维设计, 生物学, 化学, Chinese Language, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, 音乐 Theory, 物理, 心理学, 音乐 Theory, 西班牙语, and US History.
Due to the rigorous nature of the Maumee Valley curriculum, it is usually recommended that students take no more than three AP courses per year. 然而, if a student wishes to take a more challenging course load, meetings with advisors and the college counselor are easily arranged. 也, if your child wishes to take an AP exam that isn’t offered as a class, an order can be placed for that specific exam. 然而, the student’s test prep will have to be accomplished outside the classroom.